Sunday, January 6, 2013

Christmas @ Home

This year is the first year in a while where we didn't go anywhere.  With Josh in school and his work schedule it was a little difficult (plus we had lots of sickness in our home)...but maybe next year.  Who knows?!  We did go to his families on Christmas Eve and I was able to take the girls to see my family the week before so Christmas was spent with family just not the actual day.  I hope to get to see my brother next year too...would be even nicer to see him if it was sooner then the next set of "Holidays."  Any way...I am in the process of looking for fun traditions to start with our family.  It was a little harder this year with the sickness so our Christmas was very low key and perfect...can't wait till next year though when Paisley will be 1.5 and Adey will be will be crazy fun!

Adey with her stocking...she got a horse and a Leap Pad 2 from Santa

Paisley got sippy cups and feeding stuff and books and this musical vanity from Santa

Josh found some cute clothes for Adey...she is really into horses right now

Paisley got her own laptop from me and Josh

Adey got a fisher price tea pot set and purse thing from Nonni and Grampy

this was most of Adey's pile of fun stuff from barbies to books to workbooks to clothes

Paisley with her horsey and musical ball and violet along with lots and lots of wrapping paper

this is the Barbie Christmas I think Adey was super excited to get...this was from me and Josh

Adey playing with her new toys...

I found this new soft blanket for Paisley...and of course she is all smiles which is how she is most of the time...we love this lil girl!

Adey is putting lipstick on Paisley...and yes they have matching penguin jammies that they got on Christmas eve

Adey is grooming Paisley's hair...they are truly the best of buds!  how did we get so lucky?!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like the girls had a great Christmas! Hope you are all doing well. I think of you often. We are doing well and my health is improving, we are hoping my doctors will let me try to get pregnant in the next couple months! Woo hoo! Happy 2013! -Shanna
